In recent years, the national media has focused on the negative, even violent, behavior of players, coaches and parents involved in youth sports. In the hopes of getting ahead of this trend of violence, AYSO has created a program called Kids Zone.
Kids Zone is a dynamic program targeted to eliminate negative behavior, whether on the field or off the field, or from coaches, parents or players. It is aimed toward creating a positive sports culture and environment that will benefit everyone involved in youth soccer. Kids Zone is about positive coaching, positive parenting, respect for the rules, referees, opponents, teammates and self and, last but certainly not least, Honor for the Game.
To execute this program, many elements are involved, among them:
1.The Message. Sending the message to coaches, referees, parents and players ... and then sending it again ... and again ... and again. Constant reinforcement.
2.The Pledge. We request AYSO parents to abide by The Pledge that holds them to the Kids Zone standards, see below. You can also visit our Tools for Parents page for ideas that may be helpful for being a supportive AYSO parent.
3.The Video. This is a 12 minute documentary that introduces AYSO's principles and its Kids Zone action plan to new participants. Viewers will also watch a parent intervene to change another parent's negative behavior. View it online.